Category Archives: Obstacle

Where for art thou, hobbit?

I know, I know. I’ve been a bad neglectful hobbit. You know how when it rains, it pours? Yeah. It really does. So, I broke a tooth, got a root canal, had a problem with it, got a whole bunch of cavities filled, and we bought a house. Lessons here? Don’t let years go by without visiting a dentist and sometimes buying a house can be similar to getting dental work done. The folks we bought from were, well, most unhobbit like. So, now we are in the process of tearing up the place to get ready for the move in late may. Best part of all this though? The new house has a nice kitchen, especially after we reno it up a little in there. The reno’s will have to wait but no reason why we can’t start thinking about something new for hungry hobbit.

I’ve been thinking about doing the occasional cooking video for hungry hobbit. Would that be fun? Would other folks about the shire like to watch some hardcore hobbit recipes being put together? Let me know! Maybe I can start looking into cameras, suggestions are always welcome for those. I don’t know much about video blogging yet.


So yes, sadly, the drought continues for a bit longer until we settle into our new hobbit hole. Although, I see that we are now at 93 followers on twitter. I have a giveaway planned for when we reach 100 followers. So stay tuned, those next seven followers could come along soon and you could have your chance to win something shiny. Details when we get there!

OMG busy!

So I’m sure some of you may have noticed how erratic posting has been lately. I am so sorry about that! Life has gotten so busy and is getting busier. It will definitely pay off though! I have started training to be a pilates teacher and in October I will be starting training to become a yoga teacher as well! I know! Crazy isn’t it? To think that at the beginning of all this I was 80 pounds heavier and not much of an exerciser at all. Now, I am lighter, eating healthy, still eating like a hobbit, and going to be a certified pilates and yoga instructor!

To me it just seems like a logical step. During my weight loss I found that walking, yoga and later pilates really helped me out. I didn’t have to work really hard, especially with my tasty recipes. What I’m hoping to do is then come up with a program to help folks just like me. I have to say the funniest thing about being in these training programs is that even though most of these folks are athletics types, they are so accepting of a little geek like me. They even find it cute when I say stuff like “Aww I can’t come workout with you guys that night, I’m playing with my dungeons and dragons group those nights.” It’s true, us geeky chunky folks had nothing to fear from the right breed of athletic folks. There are always jerks in every group of folks…I’m sure everyone knows a geeky jerk…but we always forget that the majority of folks in every group of people are really nice and accepting. That knowledge would probably have helped me fear gyms and workout studios less, hope it helps some of you other folks too!

So, anyways as a result my posting will be erratic for the next few months. My concentration is going to be on trying to get hardcore hobbit recipes out. If I have time then I will post the other delicious foods I have been working on. To me getting those hardcore hobbit foods out is important so we can get to planning our hobbits feasts for when the movie comes out.

The Dreaded Clothes Shopping

So, its been awhile since I have gone shopping for clothes. I’ve gone in and out of style so many times it just amuses me these days. Well with more and more clothes becoming not suitable for public wear…unless I feel like randomly mooning folks. Which, don’t get me wrong can be loads of fun with the right group of people…though finding said right group is not likely to happen in the middle of a superstore. Belts can only do so much. My mom graciously gave me some shopping spree money to celebrate the progress so far. Today, I finally got around to spending some of it. It is desperately time to shop for a new sports bra. I am currently in agility training with one of my pups, Kaylee. With all the lifting, bouncing and running involved I was starting to find I was letting the wrong puppies free. If you get my meaning…so the journey begins.

First I went to the plus size store I’ve been going to for well, almost a decade now. She measured me up…then informed me they had nothing for me. I am too small around the torso for their sizes. This came as a surprise. Even though I’ve lost all this weight I don’t own a full length mirror and have always preferred my clothes baggy. The impact of it is lost on me I guess. So I left there…kind of weirded out. Since I have a lack of girl friends out here to shop with I’m sort of clueless as to where to proceed next.

I received word that a major clothing store in town was having a sale on all its workout clothing including sport bras. Skeptical that I was in their size range I waffled about going. My husband insisted otherwise, it was near the mobile phone place he wanted to visit anyways so off we went. I arrive to find that all the sport bras left on the rack were small and extra small. No way that miracle was going to happen even at my goal weight. I’m not an itty bitty titty girl sadly. So I was a bit sad. Until my husband and I discovered that some of the tank tops had built in bras. Atleast that meant this week I would have something to deal with the houdini puppies issue. Atleast until I figure out another place to brave getting a sports bra from (I sort of ran away in fear from la vie en rose simply due to new size fear). Then my husband points out the workout pants, and the cute shirt that could go over top…and then what do I think about that hoodie? Well with all these cute things before us…then loomed the big question.

What size?

In the past these things would not have fit me even at their largest. So this was a bit of a nailbiter for me. I grab an xxlarge, xlarge, and large (after some prompting). In the change room, as usual, I avoid looking in the full length until the clothes are on. I decide just for a lark to try on the large first…and to my shock, it fit. It fit attractively. I look in the mirror sideways and realize for the first time that I actually am thinner. It was kind of a shock really. The other shock being I actually liked the pink shirt a lot…but that’s another story. So the wii fit wasn’t lying to me, I actually have gone from omg obese to meh overweight. I will be sure to take back the things I said about its mother later. I will never be the svelte things my more celtic inspired sisters are, they get that from their dad. Hence my more hobbit like look but atleast I’m on my way to being a sexay hobbit! So I walked out of there with a tank top, shirt with reflective stuff for walks (which my other pup Godric adores), yoga pants (I have a cute butt! Who knew?), and a hoodie for cooler weather most of which was a size large. All for just 50.00…oh yeah. Still I felt indulgent getting all those workout clothes, after all I had a perfectly good t-shirt I have had for a decade and such. Husband has informed me this was not acceptable workout gear. Apparently cuteness is now required with working out. That and moisture wicking…pfft. New fangled clothing technology.

After all that, I walked away simply shocked. Today, I actually shopped for clothing in a regular store and didn’t even buy the biggest size available. With all my focus on food and numbers I kind of forgot that meant I was actually shrinking. I mean really, who loses clothing sizes eating poutine, deep dish pizza, potato skins, sliders, sloppy joes, blackberry tarts, lembas, etc? Heh, I guess hungry hobbits do. Go figure. Now to get over my fear of those clothing stores and their regular sized clothes. I’m not a clothes horse by any means. Most malls make me want to run away screaming within 30 minutes. This will be challenging but in a good way right? I so need a hobbit t-shirt.


I have injured my neck. Probably shouldn’t be at the computer now. There won’t be any update today. Makes me so sad. I am absolutely bursting to share the breakfast barley I made. Aaargh. Hopefully a visit to the chiropractor today will help fix this up soon. Can’t sleep and the pain is nauseating. Can’t think of food. Ugh.

And now for something completely different…

So I have decided I’m going to pat myself on the back for each ten pounds I lose. Today’s weigh in tells me I have now lost 31 pounds!

So hurrah for hitting that 30 pounds lost benchmark to me!

hehe Hobbit joviality. It was rather nice being able to say that today. I look forward to future lost weight but right now woot for 31 pounds gone!!

Although, now I’ve hit some nastiness. This week I finally got back on track with my workout program…and then I stubbed my toe really badly. Took a few days for that pain to go away! Finally get rid of that pain and somehow I’ve hurt my knee! It might have been all the yarn I spun this weekend. *sigh* Hopefully this goes away so I can get back into it while the getting is good.

For now though I will concentrate on that hurrah while I work on being a hobbling hobbit for awhile.

Controllable Carrot Cupcakes

I was invited to come over to a group and was gleefully informed that there would be krispy cream bullets of weightloss doom. O.k. maybe not those exact words hehe. So, I figured time to reel in that good manners excuse of bringing something to someone’s house to share…and make it something I could actually have. Ignore the krispy doom. It had to be something tasty that other folks will actually want to have, easy to eat, portion controlled for my pleasure…*cough* I mean for my ease of counting…yes, thats it. Ah ha!

This is also a hardcore hobbit recipe! In the game there is an Ultimate Carrot Cake recipe that cooks make. It contains a cup of tasty frosting, winter barley flour, and fresh carrots. I didn’t have any winter barley flour on hand but, you know, I think it came out fine with just regular stuff 😉

  • 1 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 tbl unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple packed in juice or water, reserve 1/4 cup juice, drain the rest
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 3 ounces fat free cream cheese
  • 2 tsp splenda
  1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Line the cupcake tin with paper or silicon reusable cups.
  2. Combine the flour, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
  3. In another bowl combine the granulated sugar, egg whites, and applesauce until blended. Add the flour mix and stir until just moistened. Like you do for muffins.
  4. Stir in the pineapple, the juice, and carrots.
  5. Spoon about a tablespoon or two into each cup, fill them no more than half full. Bake for 30 minutes. Test with a toothpick, if it does not come out clean put it back in for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Combine the cream cheese and splenda. Once the cupcakes are cool spread frosting lightly on top.

Makes 12 servings. Each serving is 131 calories, 0.2 grams of fat, and 1 gram of fiber. You may choose to put more splenda in your frosting, I like my frosting to say “hi, I’m cream cheese! Luuurve me” some folks might not like it to be so in your face about it.The nice thing about working with fat free cream cheese and splenda is that they blend together so easily and nicely, no whipping out the beaters to make frosting. Always a plus.

These cupcakes did the trick, no one even guessed that they were “light” and the hostess was very thankful I brought something to share with everyone that was an alternative to donuts. Everyone wins, hurray!


Dippers, Dining in, and Dives

oooohhhh hungry hungry hobbit. Holiday time is here once again. Temptation is on the table. This holiday weekend plans include a hickory smoked maple glazed ham AND a turkey. Expect to see some leftover recipes soon. Now, just because I’m on a weight loss challenge isn’t going to stop me from making this work. It’s time for some creative management instead of taking a dive.

I’m not talking  cereal management either. I’m a little annoyed by the commercial that has been playing lately of this woman who says to herself  “oh, dinner out with the girls, I’ll want dessert…better skip breakfast.”. Where the cereal then says no! Don’t skip breakfast! Shovel into our sugary cereal with very little to do with the food pyramid and crash later instead! Woooo! Get me some of that!


Yeah, that’s the expression I had too.

May I present an alternative? How about eating some low calorie fruits and veggies throughout the day? Or how about some low fat dairy matched with it helping you complete some of that food pyramid you keep hearing about, while filling yourself up and reserving those big calories for a nice portion controlled take of that super fun dinner later on. To me that just seems more win win, than cereal. Granted we try not to eat more than 500 calories per meal since that is what studies are showing is what the body can burn effectively. I’m sure those few holidays matched with good eating during the day will forgive us just this once.

So how will we do this tasty eating without feeling like a hamster?

The faboo world of dips. It is such a holiday food. This may be a bit of a hamster holiday for some but very worth it. First we start with our dippers. You’ve got your veggie platter. So easy to do with a bit of prep. Celery, carrots, broccoli, peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, go nuts! I find that when you chop up a platter and put it out there, you just can’t help but delve! Fruit platters are great too, especially in the morning as sort of a morning long brunch. Berries of all sort, melons, orange slices, pineapple, apples with lemon juice, starfruit, etc. Then the last of your dipper choices is the fiber. I don’t tend to do this one since it is harder to control but it you feel the need a lot of veggie dips are great for mini crackers. Especially multigrain ones. The best way to handle those is to count out a portion, put them in a bowl for yourself and pick away as you wish. Hurray for grazing. With platters like those you will eat your fruit and veg servings in no time, eat very little in calories and fat, and feel full all day. Leaving you less likely to indulge too much on that naughty dinner you have planned later in the day.

What to have with those veggies to make them more fun? I have a few suggestions. Easy dips that you can make the night before, leaving you more time to be festive.  To control your dip intake I suggest grabbing a ramekin, measuring out your dip for the day, and taking it out each time you indulge in your tasty looking tray. Easy! On to the dip then? Here are a couple of my favourites:

Rancho Dill Dip

  • 2 tsp dill weed
  • 1 package of dry ranch dressing (I chose a zero calorie dry mix)
  • 1 container fat free sour cream
  1. Combine, allow to chill a few hours, overnight is best.

Each serving is 2 tablespoons. Each servings contains 29 calories, 0 fat, and 0 fiber. This can vary based on your sour cream. I made this particular dip to try and imitate a dip served at a restaurant in Halifax. They serve it with their fries and it is immensely popular. Sadly, I cannot compare them side by side anymore but I think I’m getting close!

French Onion Dip

  • French Onion dry soup mix
  • 1 container of fat free sour cream
  1. Combine and allow to chill overnight.

Each serving is 2 tablespoons. Each serving contains 47 calories, 0.3 fat, and 0.1 fiber. Varies on your choice of soup mix and sour cream.

Zesty Italian Dip

  • 1 cup of fat free plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup fat free miracle whip
  • 1 package dry italian dressing mix (there are zero calorie ones out there)
  1. Combine and allow to chill overnight.

Each serving is two tablespoons. Each serving contains 22 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, and 0 fiber.

This last one is for if you want to get naughty with your fruit…oh you know what I mean. Hush. Usually fruit is tasty enough on its own but if you want to make it more dessert like this might be how you want to go.

Nutella Dip

  • 1/2 cup Nutella
  • 1 container fat free cream cheese, room temp to mix easier
  • 1 tbl skim milk
  1. Combine until it has a bit of airy fluffiness to it.

Each serving is two tablespoons. Each serving contains 81 calories, 3.7 grams of fat, and 0.3 grams of fiber.

Hopefully everyone will enjoy their holidays this weekend with their dippers, dining in, and avoid that dive. I know I will!

Shopping with a vengeance

When I shop, I try to shop about two weeks worth of food. It’s a budget thing and a menu planning thing. I find two weeks works best, the exception being a quick fresh fruit and veg visit somewhere in the middle. I love the fact that I spend only about 150.00 every two weeks, often less than that and eat such tasty low calorie foods.

Usually when I’m shopping the other shoppers behind me or even the cashier will either remark on their amazement over the low cost or will show some interest in the items I pick up. Always a positive thing and ofcourse I never hesitate to answer any questions.

Today was the first time I caught someone smirking. She looked me over, looked over my things, and everytime a low fat this or low cal that caught her eye she snorted and smirked. I snuck a glance at her skinny mini physique and her horde of potato chips, pop, etc. I could almost hear what was crossing her mind…that whole “lot of good that seems to be doing you.”. I really dislike people like that. I so wanted to say to her “Sure, I may not be skinny like you but I’ve lost 17 pounds over the past two months…and will continue to do so. Every good piece of art has a work in progress stage honey.” but I do dislike a scene.

Sheesh…the good thing about the experience was that it made me actually stop and go…omg…I’ve lost 17 pounds. I needed that. It’s good to take stock like that once and awhile…even if it was because of some rude smirking lady.


So according to my challenge I need to lose about 2.2 pounds a week. This week I’m a bit off track. Damn. This could be due to that workout calories snafu. This means I have to make this up somewhere along the road. What sucks is that tomorrow we are leaving for a few days to take a nice little mini break. Which means I’ll be away from my nice cozy portion controlled kitchen and out there fending for myself in the wild world of free range tasty foods for three days.
Not good.
I’m going to try to pack us some nice portion controlled lunches but since this is a bed and breakfast we are staying at…well…things might get tough.
I’m also going to be away from my precious workout equipment. Maybe I can pack the resistance bands and still get some workout in?
There has to be a way to take a mini break but still keep everything on track.
Even with that gourmet hotdog place I’m eyeing. They have eight kinds of gourmet hotdog! I want to be able to say I’ve had a gourmet hotdog dammit!